(1-721) 542-4292 / (1-721) 542-2908

Number of Total Employees by industry 2018

Filter by year:
Industry Fulltime on Payroll Part-time on Payroll Fulltime not on Payroll Part-time not on Payroll Total
Accommodation 878 91 62 6 1037
Accommodation and food service activities 2213 355 148 36 2752
Administrative and support service activities 1764 198 23 34 2019
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 31 0 1 0 32
Arts, entertainment and recreation 592 40 20 43 695
Construction 642 48 18 6 714
Education 1197 137 16 30 1380
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 247 0 0 0 247
Financial and insurance activities 632 38 173 25 868
Food and beverage service activities 1335 264 86 30 1715
Human health and social work activities 717 191 13 48 969
Information and communication 360 64 0 9 433
Manufacturing 354 26 43 16 439
Other service activities 496 50 240 223 1009
Professional, scientific and technical activities 889 64 95 23 1071
Real estate activities 169 18 16 16 219
Transportation and storage 888 61 95 11 1055
Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 74 5 0 2 81
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 3457 293 208 53 4011